
Company codes

Company codes


Company codes are necessary to be able to plan on time, for example, for external warehouses, independent of local stock levels.

All logistical and MRP movements and quantities by company code are recorded separately in sub-monitors.

It is therefore possible to view the entire process per company code.

A company code can be attached to any business object such as a warehouse or a cost centre. When a document is posted, the system determines whether a company code must be used for posting. If this is the case, the company code is posted separately in addition to the global posting.

The company code, which can be created via the master data, must be assigned to an object (warehouse) for which it is to apply.

Usually these are warehouses that are to be managed via a separate company code, perhaps independently of the actual warehouse/stock.
On the company code, it is possible to specify whether the stock quantity or the requirements should appear in the total account of the part or not (joint or separate parts disposition - requirements stock lists).

For more information, see "Detailed information on company codes" and the information on domains.


Input window

This window is used to edit company codes.

Menu item Description
Edit -
: Create new company codeCreate new company code
Save company codeThe changes in the opened company code are saved.
: Delete company codeThe open company code is deleted without prompting.
Print company codeOpens the printer selection window for the opened company code.
: Search terms-
: : insertInsert search term
: : RemoveRemove search term
Notes Here notes can be created and viewed for the selected object
: Display stock levels on company codeOpens the warehouse stock in the selected company code
: Operations Opens the task folder for the selected object
: Create transaction documentA transaction note can be created for the selected object, where further information and references to other objects and documents can be stored
: Validity Opens the validity window of the object. Here the object can be set invalid or provided with an exchange object
Close Closes the window without saving the changes.
Search Call up list window
Symbol Description
new.png Create new company code
save.png Save changes
delete.png Delete company code
CX_PRINTER_hardcopy.png Print company code
pin.pngpinned.pngCreate/edit notes
CX_STOCK_on.pngStocks of the entire company code
CX_PROCEEDINGS.pngView transactions of the company code
CX_PROCEEDINGS_new.pngCreate transaction document
CX_VALIDITY.pngSet validity
Field Description
: Number Company code number
: Search terms Search terms of the company code- Search terms can be inserted freely in any number.
: Short name Short name of the company code that is displayed on the document masks on which a company code is specified.
Description Detailed description of the company code
: Editor Employee to whom the company code is assigned, or in the case of a new creation: user who created the company code.
: Organization -
: : No main account posting The warehouse quantities that are posted for the company code are either NOT managed on the main warehouse account if the check mark is set, or without the check mark they are managed together with the main warehouse quantities via the MRP and warehouse account.

If a part has an in-house main warehouse and additionally an external warehouse (e.g. for material to be provided by the supplier), it is advisable to deactivate the main account posting (tick the box!) so that the requirements and stock list for the main warehouse and the external warehouse can be run separately and independently of each other.

: : : Belongs to Company code to which this company code is subordinate (if available)
: : Contains Company codes subordinate to this company code.
: List This list contains all master objects (preferably warehouses) that have been assigned to the company code. If a stock movement is created for a warehouse with an assigned company code, the company code is immediately entered on the document.
Set posting limitThe company code just selected is saved as a booking limit. For description see: List.
: Delete booking limitDeletes the set posting limit. Stock quantities are no longer posted to the company code or a higher-level company code.
: List In the tree view, the higher-level company code is selected up to which the posting is to be made.

Example 1: If only the current company code is selected, the quantities that are posted to this company code are not passed on any further, i.e. the higher-level company code does not also get the quantities added.

Example 2: If the top company code is selected, the quantities posted in the current company code are passed on to all higher-level company codes up to the selected company code.

Whether the quantities are registered on the total storage or total MRP account of the part is controlled by the tick "No main account posting" on the details tab.

Tree view
All company codes Displays all company codes with their hierarchies in the tree.
: List The current company code is displayed with all its subordinate and superior company codes in a tree view. Double-clicking on a company code opens the editing screen for the company code clicked on.

Attention: The windows remain in the selected tab, therefore the impression could arise that the double-click had no effect!

Domain declarations
: Insert Inserts a new domain declaration
Remove Removes the reference of the selected domain declaration to the company code
: List Domain declarations that are assigned to the company code.
Not yet implemented: If a company code is used on a voucher, the domain declarations stored here are logged in during the posting. Thus, it is possible to split certain bookings also according to domains.
button Description
BackThe window is closed without saving changes. If you want to save the changes, you must press the "Save" button.
DeleteThe displayed company code is deleted.
NewThe input window is cleared.
SaveChanges to the company code are saved. If no changes have been made, the button is locked.

List window

This window is used to list the company codes

Menu item Description
: Search -
: : Perform multiple searchPerform multiple search:
All fields except "search term" are included in this search.
With the multiple search it is possible to search for several criteria at the same time.
: : Reset listReset company code list
: Create new company codeCreate new company code
: Edit company codeThe selected company code is opened in the input window.
: Delete company codeOne or more selected company codes are deleted without prompting.
: NotesThe editing window for notes is opened for the company code selected in the list.
: TransactionsOpens the transaction folder for the selected object.
: ValidityOpens the validity window of the object. Here the object can be set to invalid or provided with an exchange object.
Copy to clipboardCopy list with company codes to clipboard
Close Close window
Options Call up the option window
Symbol Description
CX_AMOUNT_calculation.pngPerform multiple search:
All fields except "search term" are included in this search.
With the multiple search it is possible to search for several criteria at the same time.
list_clear.pngReset company code list
new.pngCreate new company code
open.pngEdit company code
delete.pngDelete company code
pin.pngpinned.pngCreate/edit notes
CX_PROCEEDINGS.pngDisplay operations
CX_VALIDITY.pngSet validity
copytoclipboard.pngCopy list with company codes to clipboard
Search fields
Field Description
Number Search by company code number
Search Keyword Search for a company code search term
button Description
SearchPerform multiple searches:
All fields except "Search term" are included in this search.
With the multiple search it is possible to search for several criteria at the same time.
Advanced searchCall up advanced search
BackThe window is closed.
Delete The selected company code is deleted.
NewAn empty input window opens.
EditThe current company code is displayed in the input window.

Selection window

This window is used to select company codes

Menu itemDescription
: search-
: : Perform multiple searchPerform multiple search:
All fields except "search term" are included in this search.
With the multiple search it is possible to search for several criteria at the same time.
: : Reset listReset company code list
: CloseClose window
Options Call up options window
CX_AMOUNT_calculation.pngPerform multiple searches:
All fields except "search term" are included in this search.
With the multiple search it is possible to search for several criteria at the same time.
list_clear.pngReset company code list
Search fields
Field Description
Number Search by company code number
Search Keyword Search for a company code search term
button Description
SearchPerform multiple searches:
All fields are included in this search.
With the multiple search it is possible to search for several criteria at the same time.
Advanced searchCall up advanced search
Back The window is closed.
SelectConfirm selection

Option window

All settings for the search can be made here.

Menu item Description
Edit -
: Reset to default settingsAll changed settings are reset to default
Field Description
Search options -
: Immediate take over in case of a hit If only one company code is found during a search, this is opened in the input window
Clear the list before starting a new search The list is cleared before each new search
: General Search Use search terms from the company code itself
Advanced search Search terms of the other roles of the company code are taken into account
Validity Validityoptions
: With exchange object Also displays objects that replace objects in the invalid time period
: Without exchange object Does not display objects that replace objects in the invalid time period.
: Only valid objects Only valid objects are displayed.
: All objects All objects are displayed - valid and invalid.
Number of objects Determines the maximum number of objects in the list that can be displayed during a search
: All objects All objects are displayed.
: Number of objects A number can be defined for how many objects are to be displayed.
: 100 objects 100 objects are displayed.
button Description
BackClose window
Apply The settings are saved and the window is closed.

Related topics

Technical documentation

Company code provider module

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages

Sent messages
MessageParametersFunctionReceive module
EDIT_ACCOUNTING_AREANULL or company code objectCall up input window for company codeCompany code editing app

Company code editing app

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
Message Parameters Function Security
EDIT_ACCOUNTING_AREA NULL or company code objectCall up input window for company code
LOAD_ACCOUNTING_AREA Import company code

Sent messages
MessageParametersFunctionReceive module
EDIT_ACCOUNTING_AREANULL or company code objectCall up input window for company codeCompany code editing app
EDIT_COMMENTObjectCall up input window for commentComment editing module
LIST_ACCOUNTING_AREA Call up list window for company codeCompany code list app

Company code list app

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
LIST_ACCOUNTING_AREANULL or collection of company code objectsCall list window for company code

Sent messages
Message Parameters Function Receiver module
EDIT_ACCOUNTING_AREANULL or company code objectCall up input window for company codeCompany code edit app

Company code selection app

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
SELECT_ACCOUNTING_AREACollection company code objects or NULL, recipient of the response.Call selection window for company code

Sent messages
MessageParametersFunctionReceive module
EDIT_ACCOUNTING_AREANULL or company code objectCall up input window for company codeCompany code editing app

Operational business